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CopySafe Image Protection | Copy Protection for Drupal Websites

CopySafe Image Protection

CopySafe Web provides an easy to implement solution for preventing Print Screen and screen capture in all Windows web browsers that support NPAPI (like ArtisBrowser). It was especially designed for images and consequently it is the most secure image protection possible. It is the most secure protection for images because it uses unique image encryption and domain lock that prevents the image, even if downloaded direct from the server, from being viewable from anywhere except the parent site. CopySafe Web images are safe in any browser cache and even safe from your web master. The following links provide info and examples of different media including images, Flash, PDF and video:

Copy Protect Web Page Media

The ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) provides the most secure online viewing environment for all media. ASPS web sites can enjoy mixed content delivered from many different sites such as image and media servers without requiring that any media be encrypted. Your server streams encrypted pages to the ArtisBrowser to ensure that nothing can be exploited.

ASPS requires a dedicated server or VPS for the rights to install at system level. However websites on shared hosting plans can still use ASPS indirectly:

Copy Protected Web Hosting

Guest Video provides a most unique web hosting service that includes copy protection, DRM and watermarking.  For more info see Copy Protected Web Hosting

SafeGuard Media

The SafeGuard Media plugins for WordPress provide copy protection and DRM for existing pages and posts. For more info see the SafeGuard Media page.