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ArtistScope Site Protection Software (ASPS) | Copy Protection for Drupal Websites

ArtistScope Site Protection Software (ASPS)

The ArtistScope Site Protection Software (ASPS) provides the most secure copy protection for web pages and is the only solution recommended where the prevention of copy and unauthorized redistribution is mission critical. Protect images, html, source code, Flash, movies, PDF, database records and other web content without data leakage and other exploits enabled by modern web browsers. Fully compatible with all web applications and programming languages. The ArtisBrowser is used with ASPS and is the only web browser designed for and dedicated to the copy protection of web pages and embedded media. While displayed in the web reader's window, all web content is properly protected from every copy and save exploit known to man, effectively copy protecting everything and also preventing data leakage with a single solution that requires no special treatment of web page or media to employ.

When your visitor loads your landing page, it can be launched in the ArtisBrowser automatically and they can explore your protected pages until arriving at a link to an unprotected page, in which case the unprotected page will open in their default web browser. Under no circumstances can a normal web browser display a protected web page, ensuring that your html, source code, images and any other media embedded on the page such as Flash or video files are protected from all avenues of copying.

Whether you intend to add copy protection to new or existing web pages, all you need to do is provide a link to the web page, then as it loads in the ArtisBrowser it will automatically be copy protected. No special treatment is required of the page, however you may want to moderate the level of security employed, in which case all you have to do then is to add a new meta tag in between the page's head tags, or alternatively, set a policy in your DRM control panel. ASPS protection can be applied site wide, applied to specific folders or applied to individual web pages. For evaluation see the ASPS test page on this web site.

ASPS Requirements

ASPS requires a dedicated server or VPS for the rights to install at system level. However websites on shared hosting plans can still use ASPS indirectly:

Copy Protected Web Hosting

Guest Video provides a most unique web hosting service that includes copy protection, DRM and watermarking.  For more info see Copy Protected Web Hosting

SafeGuard Media

The SafeGuard Media plugins for WordPress provide copy protection and DRM for existing pages and posts. For more info see the SafeGuard Media page.